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里歐 - 歌劇《歐萊雅艾里多羅》 2DVD
商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV9BaFp2ak9RUDVGTlArSFZkYWcwTEhkalBEWE9ncWVnUm9kVlpUWmM5OTVVPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=3321083
影片類型: 歌劇
里歐 - 歌劇《歐萊雅艾里多羅》 2DVD
商品網址: https://tw.partner.buy.yahoo.com:443/gd/buy?mcode=MV9BaFp2ak9RUDVGTlArSFZkYWcwTEhkalBEWE9ncWVnUm9kVlpUWmM5OTVVPQ==&url=https://tw.buy.yahoo.com/gdsale/gdsale.asp?gdid=3321083
- 歌劇《歐萊雅艾里多羅》
演員: Faustina - Maria Grazia Schiavo Luigi (Alidoro) - Maria Ercolano Zeza - Valentina Varriale Elisa - Francesca Russo Ermolli Don Marcello - Giuseppe De Vittorio Giangrazio - Filippo Morace Meo - Gianpiero Ruggeri Cicco - Nino Bruno Orchestra Barocca Cappella della Pieta dei Turchini 內容簡介: PROGRAM INFORMATION: Alidoro, an unknown opera by Leonardo Leo, an important maestro in the first phase of the Neapolitan school, imposes new styles and contents on the genre of music comedy. Leo was living through a particularly intense period of activity in 1740: six theatrical titles including re-elaborations and new productions among which was L’Alidoro. With its highly personal skill, the librettist Federico drafted a comedy in which characters speak different languages (Neapolitan or Tuscan) according to their social status and work on different levels: one comic the other serious. Cirillo, director of this modern revival, explains how in this opera ”nothing” is happening excepting a subtle and gorgeous relational game among the seven protagonists. As in a Marivaux work, just social differences count here where middle class members are attracted to servants and servants are attracted to their peers. In this carillon of walk in and out, as in a Feydeau comedy they go on stage only for shadowing, peeking out or courting somebody else. The site where this is going to happen isn’t so important, it could be.. at theatre... In ”Alidoro” everybody is infected by the doubt. STRONG POINTS World premiere in modern times. An unknown comic opera which has been identified during the recent cataloguing of the artistic Neapolitan treasures of the 17th century at the Abbey of Montecassino. Founded in 1987 by Antonio Florio, the Cappella della Pieta de’ Turchini is made up of instrumentalists and singers who specialise in the performance of Neapolitan music from the 16th - 18th centuries. The unique programmes and rigorous approach to Baroque performing practice make the Cappella one of the most interesting realities in musical life in Italy, and indeed in Europe. The name of the ensemble derives from one of the four conservatories of Naples in the eighteenth century, whose members were distinguished by wearing turquoise costumes (turchese = the colour turquoise = Turchini) for important festivals. Winner of the Diapason d’Or. REVIEWS: ”it has been a top level production supported by a superb cast” (Stella Bonfrisco -Il Resto del Carlino, Bologna) Track List:Act 1 1 Sinfonia 2 Le mie voci accogliete - Faustina 3 Da po’ ch’ammore mpietto m’ha feruto - Meo 4 Ssi ncapo ajesso frato - Don Marcello 5 Soperchia moe la collera - Zeza 6 Risolviti ad amarmi - Elisa 7 Luci Belle - Luigi 8 Sei troppo sventurato - Faustina Act 2 1 Cicco, vogli’i no zumpo - Zeza 2 Talor coverto il cielo - Luigi 3 Fanno amore e gelosia - Faustina 4 Emme signor Giangrazio - Giangrazio 5 Tu davvero te credive - Meo 6 Chesta e la regola - Zeza 7 Destatevi allo sdegno - Elisa 8 Ah no mia bella - Luigi 9 Oh sia jornu o sia notti - Don Marcello Act 3 1 Ma fia possibil pure - Faustina 2 L’amorosa tortorella - Faustina 3 Quando de’ venti irati - Luigi 4 Via su - Don Marcello 5 Gente, gente, ajuto, ajuto - Zeza 6 Nuje sarrimmo comm’apprimmo - Meo 7 Ora vi come vanno - Giangrazio (recitativo) Teatro Municipale, Reggio Emilia, 2008 |
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